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Our inaugural conference drew together speakers and collaborators from across the world and throughout the UK, participating in a range of presentations, workshops and social events.

You can find information about conference contributors below alongside links to video on-demand versions of these sessions.

After undertaking a psychology degree in Durham, Bill travelled the world as a teacher, working in Cambodia, Australia, USA, Morocco, Thailand, Kenya and Bangladesh, but was repeatedly drawn back to Cornwall where he now offers guided walks as well amazing everyone, including the birds, with his skills at Beach Art. He discovered sand mandalas and Sacred Geometry a few years ago and now helps others to create it too. He is also an original photographer for Geograph, and has many photos of North Cornwall archived for preservation by the British Library. Bill’s work can be viewed on social media sites including Facebook's @beachartists @polzeathwalks and Instagram's @billys_beachart.


Meg Bisset is a practicing Analytical Psychologist and Chair of the Association of Jungian Analysts in London. With over thirty years of experience, she is an established psychodynamic psychotherapist and counsellor. Meg also held a consultant-level clinical leadership position in the NHS in London and collaborates on various UK and international projects. Born in St Andrews, Scotland, Meg holds multiple post-graduate degrees and professional accreditations that support her clinical practice. She works therapeutically with individuals from all walks of life, including young adults, offering sessions both online and in-person in central London and Fife, Scotland.

Dr. Sharon Blackie is an award-winning writer and internationally recognised teacher whose work sits at the interface of psychology, mythology and ecology. Her highly acclaimed books, courses, lectures and workshops are focused on the development of the mythic imagination, and on the relevance of myths, fairy tales and folk traditions to the personal, social and environmental problems we face today. As well as writing four books of fiction and nonfiction, including the bestselling ‘If Women Rose Rooted’, her writing has appeared in several international media outlets, among them The Guardian, The Irish Times, and The Scotsman. Her books have been translated into several languages, and she has been interviewed by the BBC, US public radio and other broadcasters on her areas of expertise.


Philippa Campbell is a senior Jungian Analyst with I.G.A.P. She practises in Cornwall and London, and has given talks on a wide range of subjects. Her particular interest is the Jungian approach to applied dream analysis.

Tom Cheetham, PhD. is the author of five books on the imagination in religion, psychology and the arts, and one book of poems. He is a Fellow of the Temenos Academy in London, and has taught natural science and humanities since 1987. He teaches and lectures regularly in the US and Europe.


A professional astrologer for nearly sixty years, Liz Greene holds doctorates in both psychology and history and is a qualified Jungian analyst. Liz Greene also holds the diploma from the Faculty of Astrological Studies, of which she is a lifetime Patron, and was a tutor for several years on the MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology for Bath Spa University and the University of Wales, Lampeter. She is the author of many books on astrological, psychological and mythological themes, which have been translated into a number of different languages, and also worked with Dr. Alois Treindl of Astrodienst to create a number of computer-generated astrological interpretation programmes that are available in many languages.


Professional artist and Jungian analyst, Sarah Hall has been creating sand drawings and beach art since childhood, more recently customising this ancient spiritual practice to make mandalas that explore narrative visualisations of dreams, contemporary responses to environmental issues and re-interpreting myth and legend.

artist &

The Myth of Medusa: A Feminist Perspective

workshop leader

this workshop & beach ritual will be available as video microsite


christian roesler  Research in Analytical Psychology: Archetypes and Dreams


Richard Jenkins is a Jungian Analyst and Psychodynamic Psychotherapist. Alongside attending to the suffering and dilemmas that we bring to therapy, Richard works at depth with dreams, the symbolic and mythological aspects of psychological life, understanding that alongside the relationship with the therapist, these hold deep power to heal. He is a co-founder of Southbank Counselling and practices in London. As well as an interest in spirituality and spiritual practice, he has a long-standing expertise in policy and social action as a researcher and adviser for government. He has degrees in Law, Theology and a Masters in contemporary Theology. Before training as an analyst he spent more than 20 years in social policy and activism, working in central government and NGOs campaigning for gender and sexual equality and supporting community organisations. Richard teaches a course on Jung at the Bowlby Centre for Attachment Based Psychoanalysis. As a faculty member of WPF Therapy he taught courses on contemporary approaches to Diversity, Clinical Practice and Jung. Richard is a member of the Association of Jungian Analysts.


sonu shamdasani  The Becoming of the Invisible Church on Jung’s Polzeath Summer School

this seminar is not available on video


Carola is a certified Social Dreaming Host and is preparing a guest chapter on 'Social Dreaming' for a forthcoming book on Dreams by Dale Mathers. She worked as a psychiatrist in the NHS for many years, training as a Jungian analyst alongside this. Upon leaving the NHS she established her private practice, first as a member of the Society of Analytical Psychology, and later as a member and Training Analyst with the Association of Jungian Analysts. Her publications include ‘The Symbolic Container’ in ‘Vision and Supervision’, Routledge 2009, and ‘The Queen and the Servant’ in ‘Alchemy and Psychotherapy’, ed. Dale Mathers, Routledge 2014. Carola is a practising artist (website

workshop leader

Social Dreaming

this workshop is not available on video


Dr. Dale Mathers is a psychiatrist, humanistic psychotherapist, and analytical psychologist. He recently retired from the Association of Jungian Analysts, where he was a Training Analyst and Supervisor. He’s taught and supervised in the UK, Poland, Ukraine and Russia. He integrates ideas from various disciplines: including anthropology, politics, spirituality, mythology, and philosophy, to address complex psychological issues. He has authored and edited several books. The latest is ‘Dreams: the Basics. (Routledge 2024). See below for more information. His approach involves exploring symbols of transformation, aiming to foster a deeper understanding and response to the challenges of Climate Change.


Fiona trained as a Jungian Analyst with the Association of Jungian Analysts and is now a Supervising Analyst for AJA. She is a qualified ‘Social Dreaming’ host, has a private practice in Bath, where she is also actively engaged in creative pursuits such as weaving and bookbinding. Her publications include ‘Complaints and Grievances in Psychotherapy’, Routledge 1998; she edited, with Lesley Murdin, ‘Values and Ethics in the Practice of Psychotherapy and Counselling’, Open University Press 2001; and has written chapters in ‘Vision and Supervision’ ed. Dale Mathers, ‘Ethics in Supervision’, Routledge 2009 and ‘The Ethical Attitude in Analytic Practice’ ed. Solomon and Twyman, Routledge 2003, ‘Ethics in Practice’.

workshop leader

Social Dreaming

this workshop is not available on video


Christian Roesler is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences in Freiburg, Germany and a lecturer of Analytical Psychology at the University of Basel. He is also a Jungian psychoanalyst in private practice in Freiburg and member of the faculty of the C.G. Jung-Institutes in Stuttgart and Zurich. He specialises in working with couples and families, and in interpretive research methods. Research and publications include: Analytical Psychology and contemporary sciences, couple counselling, postmodern identity construction, narrative research, and media psychology.


Research in Analytical Psychology: Archetypes and Dreams


Sonu Shamdasani is a London-based author, editor, and professor at University College London. His research and writings focus on Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), and cover the history of psychiatry and psychology from the mid-nineteenth century to current times. He is the author of ‘Jung and the Making of Modern Psychology: The Dream of a Science, Jung Stripped Bare by his Biographers Even’, and ‘Cult Fictions: C. G. Jung and the Founding of Analytical Psychology’, which won the Gradiva Prize of the World Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis in 1999 for the best historical and biographical work. He is the editor of: ‘C. G. Jung, The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga; Notes of the Seminar Given in 1932’ by C. G. Jung (Bollingen/Princeton University, 1996); ‘C. G. Jung, The Red Book Liber Novus’ (Philemon Series & New York/London: W. W. Norton & Company, 2009); ‘C. G. Jung, History of Modern Psychology: Lectures Delivered at the ETH Zurich, Volume 1, 1933-1934’ (Philemon Series & Princeton University Press, 2018); and ‘C. G. Jung, The Black Books of C.G. Jung (1913-1932)’ (Stiftung der Werke von C. G. Jung & W. W. Norton & Company, 2020).


The Becoming of the Invisible Church on Jung’s Polzeath Summer School

this seminar is not available on video


Becca Tarnas, PhD, is a scholar, artist, and editor of ‘Archai: The Journal of Archetypal Cosmology’. She received her doctorate in Philosophy and Religion from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), with her dissertation titled ‘The Back of Beyond: The Red Books of C. G. Jung and J. R. R. Tolkien’. Her research interests include depth psychology, archetypal studies, literature, philosophy, and the ecological imagination. She teaches at both Pacifica Graduate Institute and CIIS, and is the author of the book ‘Journey to the Imaginal Realm: A Reader’s Guide to J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings’.


The Synchronicity of the Two Red Books: Jung, Tolkien, and the Imaginal Realm

this seminar will be added to the on-demand channel


Chris is a training analyst and supervisor for various Jungian and psychoanalytic institutes. He has an ongoing interest the interface between these two traditions with particular interest in the British independent and American Relational approach to clinical work. He regularly leads seminars on various Jungian themes such as ‘Film and the Imaginal’; ‘Synchronicity and primitive emotional states’; ‘Jungian typology and its antecedents in Alchemical and Astrological symbolism”. He currently acts as the Clinical Responsibility Coordinator for candidates training with the Association of Jungian Analysts.


becca tarnas   The Synchronicity of the Two Red Books: Jung, Tolkien, and the Imaginal Realm

this seminar will be added to the on-demand channel


Morris dancing is synonymous with celebration. Combining dance and music in a lively—sometimes raucous—performance, the dancers draw from tradition, ritual and disguise. Wreckers Border Morris, from the Tamar Valley in South East Cornwall, was born in October 2000, picking up more members along the way. Border Style Morris was chosen for its flexibility, liveliness and noise. This style extends to the distinctive rag jackets, known as ‘tatters’, hats decorated with feathers, symbols and other embellishments. A Morris ‘troupe’ is referred to as a ‘side’. The Wreckers side dances traditional border dances written by various members (past and present). As it evolves, the side is expanding its repertoire to bring new ideas and styles of dance into the mix. Their lively dance style and air of fun makes them a popular draw wherever they go.


Fernpass, Menheniot
Liskeard, Cornwall
PL14 3QZ

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